The Things They Say {Thursday}

Me: "What does Thatcher want to be when he grows up? A doctor, a lawyer, a baseball player?"

Maddi: "Mom, I think he's going to be a doctor and have lots of girlfriends because he's so handsome!"

Me: "Really Monkey? You think? What do you want to be when you grow up?"

Maddi: "I just want to be a stay at home mom with three babies."

On days when I think I am failing as a mama, I will try to remember this conversation. My daughter just wants to be a stay at home mama with three babies. It's her hearts desire and a choice that isn't driven by education, money, or the desire for things. It is pure and honest. I now know that when I feel like I am failing, on the worst of days, and the most horrible of moments, I am still doing something right because all my little girl wants to be is a mama.