Simply Live {#2}: My Hoarder Tendencies

I wouldn't say I'm a hoarder. Not in the true sense of the word. With that said, I have A LOT of stuff. I think it stems from time...we buy or are gifted things, life gets busy, and somehow I never purge. So I pile, and I pile, and I pile. It's bad!

Over this past summer, when preparing for our little guy, we cleaned and purged all summer long. Then we stopped. It's time again...the stuff is making me crazy!

I had this insane idea that if I documented it here, maybe it will keep me more focused?!?! We shall see! But it's time to eliminate the stuff and I plan to be ruthless!

1 comment:

  1. You know...
    I could always come over with the kids...let the girls play...put the boys in some sort of contraption...and help you organize!! :)
