Two Months Old
I can't believe Mr. T is two months old. Oh time, you are such a thief. Stop, please just stop making my babies get bigger.
I love this picture of my little guy. I think he means some serious business. Maybe he was over mama taking pictures of him. Maybe he was just going number two. Either way, I think his face is priceless!
At two months old you've:
* Doubled your weight. When you came home from the hospital you were 5lbs. 1oz. You now weigh in at a healthy 9lbs. 12oz.
* Are 20 inches long. An inch a month...not bad!
* Have grown out of all your preemie clothes, are working on your newborn, and some of your 0-3 month clothes are actually starting to fit.
* Nurse like a champ!
* Are a mama's boy through and through but are slowly warming up to your daddy.
* Have the most sensitive bum of all our littles. You're making cloth diapering quite difficult!
* Rarely take a formula bottle as a supplement anymore.
* Could take or leave a pacifier.
* Are having longer periods of contentment and no longer require mama's arms snuggling you 24/7. Insert a really big sigh. This is bittersweet.
* Finally have some meat on your bones and rolls on your legs. They're little rolls but they're so cute!
* Sleep from 10pm to 3am almost every night. I love you oh so much for this!
* And smile, you smile so much now. It just melts my heart!
* Oh, and when your really mad, you've been known to roll over from your back to your belly. It's happened once or twice now. You my love, are a strong little mister!
Welcome to Crazy Town
This is crazy town...
Crazy town was established in October of 2012 when Mr. T joined our lives. When we ventured from two kids to three. When somehow life got flipped completely upside down and The Mister and I became outnumbered.
Most days are insane, literally insane. First born off to school, homework, dance, soccer, catechism, etc, etc. Middle child running through our home like a tornado creating utter destruction as I nurse or rock a little man. It's fun and enlightening. A few tears have been shed. Especially, when my sweet Laneydoo began thinking that a solution to her potty problems, when mama is distracted with brother and can't help her onto the potty, is to pee on the bathroom floor or poop in her hand. YES, I said poop in her hand! She has now carried two poops out to us with a smile on her face. Disgusting!
This is parenting at it's finest. This is what making memories is all about.
And yet...
Some days I think to myself, what did we get ourselves into. We are officially outnumbered. I find myself crying as I mop pee off the floor or ask my two year old to please put her sh*t in the potty. I now drop The Monkey off at school instead of walking her in and let's be honest every single morning I'm in that car still in my pajamas. Most days when The Mister comes home, before I kiss him hello, I do a mental check as to whether or not I've brushed my teeth that morning. Yes, not brushing of the teeth happens too! Disgusting but honest. I no longer dress Laneydoo. It requires too much time and too much effort. A solution to this problem is simply to let her choose which costume she will wear for the day. It's working and yet I know we will end up having issues because at some point, you just can't go to preschool dressed as a ballerina...whatevs! And Mr. T, he's just a mama's boy through and through and is the most finicky of all our children. Hello white noise for naps, say what? I've never had to do this (and quite honestly thought it was a bunch of new age parenting craziness) and I still think it's just one more bad habit but it helps that stinker sleep and I get a few moments of peace. I am now thoroughly and completely relegated to my place of never say never.
This is our crazy and it's good...oh so good! Life is different, it's so much better and sometimes it's not. Sometimes I want to run away just for a day of peace and quiet, but most days, I just want to savor all these little moments of crazy for surely they are fleeting.
So this is it. Our new life. Our new place. It's beautiful. It's messy. It's Crazy Town!
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via PBKisses |
Crazy town was established in October of 2012 when Mr. T joined our lives. When we ventured from two kids to three. When somehow life got flipped completely upside down and The Mister and I became outnumbered.
Most days are insane, literally insane. First born off to school, homework, dance, soccer, catechism, etc, etc. Middle child running through our home like a tornado creating utter destruction as I nurse or rock a little man. It's fun and enlightening. A few tears have been shed. Especially, when my sweet Laneydoo began thinking that a solution to her potty problems, when mama is distracted with brother and can't help her onto the potty, is to pee on the bathroom floor or poop in her hand. YES, I said poop in her hand! She has now carried two poops out to us with a smile on her face. Disgusting!
This is parenting at it's finest. This is what making memories is all about.
And yet...
Some days I think to myself, what did we get ourselves into. We are officially outnumbered. I find myself crying as I mop pee off the floor or ask my two year old to please put her sh*t in the potty. I now drop The Monkey off at school instead of walking her in and let's be honest every single morning I'm in that car still in my pajamas. Most days when The Mister comes home, before I kiss him hello, I do a mental check as to whether or not I've brushed my teeth that morning. Yes, not brushing of the teeth happens too! Disgusting but honest. I no longer dress Laneydoo. It requires too much time and too much effort. A solution to this problem is simply to let her choose which costume she will wear for the day. It's working and yet I know we will end up having issues because at some point, you just can't go to preschool dressed as a ballerina...whatevs! And Mr. T, he's just a mama's boy through and through and is the most finicky of all our children. Hello white noise for naps, say what? I've never had to do this (and quite honestly thought it was a bunch of new age parenting craziness) and I still think it's just one more bad habit but it helps that stinker sleep and I get a few moments of peace. I am now thoroughly and completely relegated to my place of never say never.
This is our crazy and it's good...oh so good! Life is different, it's so much better and sometimes it's not. Sometimes I want to run away just for a day of peace and quiet, but most days, I just want to savor all these little moments of crazy for surely they are fleeting.
So this is it. Our new life. Our new place. It's beautiful. It's messy. It's Crazy Town!
On Giving Thanks
As our holiday weekend slowly comes to an end, I find myself rejoicing in all the things our family has to be thankful for.
We were fortunate enough this year to slip off to the family cabin for an extended five day trip. This year The Monkey got an extra day off from school, so we were rewarded with five glorious days of cabin time. Every other year we spend Thanksgiving up here with The Mister's family...all thirteen of us. And this year was the year!
I love the cabin because the cabin represents family. It embodies many other things too like romantic weekends, girl trips, snowboard trips, or just need a break trips. But the cabin is a place for quiet lazy days and most importantly family. Walks through the woods, movies, fires, games, reading, and eating. This is how we spend our days as a family when we're here.
With a new little man who loves his mama's arms, and a mama with tired nursing arms and an aching back, I have never been more thankful than I was this weekend for a house full of family. So many loving willing arms to pick that sweet boy up and give this mama's tired arms and back a break. Nannies, Ninas, and Aunties, that's what I'm most thankful for this year! They allowed me so many peaceful quiet moments, the kind you forget how much you love when you're snuggled up to a sweet smelling babe or when you're in the midst of your new constant "crazy." But when they're presented to you, those peaceful moments of quiet free arms, you remember how good it is to be just you and not fulfilling one of your many roles. You just get to be. And it is glorious and invigorating and you find yourself recharged.
OH, did I mentioned we moved? We reside in this new place called Crazy Town. More on that later!
So this year I'm thankful for the big stuff, the little stuff, the frivolous stuff, and quite honestly some of the selfish stuff.
Thankful 2012:
1. My life.
2. My hubby.
3. My babies.
4. My family.
5. A family cabin to escape to for some peace and some not so quiet.
6. A house full of crazy, happy, joyous, healthy, loud, and not always getting along cousins. But, none the less, cousins who are having fun and making memories.
7. Nannies, Ninas, and Aunties who hold a baby so a mama can read her book or enjoy her dinner without an attached barnacle. Eating sans attached progeny is something I never new I'd be thankful for...just keeping it real!
8. Movie/coffee date night with my sisters to see Twilight. And a MIL who is willing to watch a babe that likes to nurse constantly and who can be quite fussy when he's not in his mama's arms, making afore mentioned date night possible.
9. Three square yummy home cooked meals for five days straight. This is no joke, we are fed well and I'm not just talking about the Thanksgiving feast!
10. AND, the littlest of moments, because truly there are so, so, so many.
Remember, where you invest your love, you invest your life. As M & S would say, "this is what we believe," and I think never a truer word was ever spoken. This is what I believe!
So, be thankful. Be fulfilled. Be joyous. Just be...
We were fortunate enough this year to slip off to the family cabin for an extended five day trip. This year The Monkey got an extra day off from school, so we were rewarded with five glorious days of cabin time. Every other year we spend Thanksgiving up here with The Mister's family...all thirteen of us. And this year was the year!
I love the cabin because the cabin represents family. It embodies many other things too like romantic weekends, girl trips, snowboard trips, or just need a break trips. But the cabin is a place for quiet lazy days and most importantly family. Walks through the woods, movies, fires, games, reading, and eating. This is how we spend our days as a family when we're here.
With a new little man who loves his mama's arms, and a mama with tired nursing arms and an aching back, I have never been more thankful than I was this weekend for a house full of family. So many loving willing arms to pick that sweet boy up and give this mama's tired arms and back a break. Nannies, Ninas, and Aunties, that's what I'm most thankful for this year! They allowed me so many peaceful quiet moments, the kind you forget how much you love when you're snuggled up to a sweet smelling babe or when you're in the midst of your new constant "crazy." But when they're presented to you, those peaceful moments of quiet free arms, you remember how good it is to be just you and not fulfilling one of your many roles. You just get to be. And it is glorious and invigorating and you find yourself recharged.
OH, did I mentioned we moved? We reside in this new place called Crazy Town. More on that later!
So this year I'm thankful for the big stuff, the little stuff, the frivolous stuff, and quite honestly some of the selfish stuff.
Thankful 2012:
1. My life.
2. My hubby.
3. My babies.
4. My family.
5. A family cabin to escape to for some peace and some not so quiet.
6. A house full of crazy, happy, joyous, healthy, loud, and not always getting along cousins. But, none the less, cousins who are having fun and making memories.
7. Nannies, Ninas, and Aunties who hold a baby so a mama can read her book or enjoy her dinner without an attached barnacle. Eating sans attached progeny is something I never new I'd be thankful for...just keeping it real!
8. Movie/coffee date night with my sisters to see Twilight. And a MIL who is willing to watch a babe that likes to nurse constantly and who can be quite fussy when he's not in his mama's arms, making afore mentioned date night possible.
9. Three square yummy home cooked meals for five days straight. This is no joke, we are fed well and I'm not just talking about the Thanksgiving feast!
10. AND, the littlest of moments, because truly there are so, so, so many.
Remember, where you invest your love, you invest your life. As M & S would say, "this is what we believe," and I think never a truer word was ever spoken. This is what I believe!
So, be thankful. Be fulfilled. Be joyous. Just be...
My Boys
For the girl who thought her heart wasn't big enough or strong enough to have a loving and enduring relationship with a boy. You were wrong, oh so wrong! Turns out that your heart is big enough and strong enough for two boys.
And oh, how I love them!
{7} More Days
Time is flying. If life were a stop watch, I would hit the stop button, not for long but for just a few seconds, to stop and take a deep breath. To look around this life of mine and freeze frame everything that surrounds me in that 30 seconds because life is flying by and flying oh so fast.
In seven short days, we will welcome our new little man to this world. I am filled with an abundance of emotions. So many, in fact, it's difficult to formulate the words to even express how I feel. Yet the clock is ticking, and seven days will be here in the shortest whisper of breath.
As we walked through this mornings routine, I wanted to freeze frame my own little moments.
For my Monkey, I realized that while we are in a sticky spot of her exerting her independence, it is also a marvelous thing to watch occur. Especially this morning, as she reminded me of all the things (book orders and privacy folders) to which I have yet to turn into her class. I think my pregnant self is slacking in these last few moments.
And for my Laneydoo, her language is developing so drastically. Yet, today, she still sounds like a baby. I know that sound is fleeting and one day soon I will wake up to a normal toddler voice...sigh!
And in just seven short days, we will enter our new season...
In seven short days, we will welcome our new little man to this world. I am filled with an abundance of emotions. So many, in fact, it's difficult to formulate the words to even express how I feel. Yet the clock is ticking, and seven days will be here in the shortest whisper of breath.
As we walked through this mornings routine, I wanted to freeze frame my own little moments.
For my Monkey, I realized that while we are in a sticky spot of her exerting her independence, it is also a marvelous thing to watch occur. Especially this morning, as she reminded me of all the things (book orders and privacy folders) to which I have yet to turn into her class. I think my pregnant self is slacking in these last few moments.
And for my Laneydoo, her language is developing so drastically. Yet, today, she still sounds like a baby. I know that sound is fleeting and one day soon I will wake up to a normal toddler voice...sigh!
And in just seven short days, we will enter our new season...
Twists & Turns
It's that moment when you realize your life is full of twists and turns. Your path is laid out before you, on that long winding road, and while you know that's the path you will travel, you still fear it. For it might be a long and arduous path but it will also be filled with the sweetest of victories. You know deep in your soul this road is the one you must take, even when the journey is extremely unclear.
I've realized this is my road and this is my journey. I don't know the end result, or really want to know; where I'll be or what is planned for me, but today I'm moving along my road slowly and steadily. There have been some bumps along the way, there are always bumps. Somehow, that is okay. The bumps and potholes are getting easier to manage. The revelations of life, less shocking and less stressful. More often than not, just joyous. For it's the journey that counts, not the end result.
My tank is full.
I'm ready.
My winding road has some twists and turns ahead but I finally feel equipped and ready for all that road has to offer.
I've realized this is my road and this is my journey. I don't know the end result, or really want to know; where I'll be or what is planned for me, but today I'm moving along my road slowly and steadily. There have been some bumps along the way, there are always bumps. Somehow, that is okay. The bumps and potholes are getting easier to manage. The revelations of life, less shocking and less stressful. More often than not, just joyous. For it's the journey that counts, not the end result.
My tank is full.
I'm ready.
My winding road has some twists and turns ahead but I finally feel equipped and ready for all that road has to offer.
34 Weeks
I'm 34 weeks along as of yesterday. Boy, has the time flown right by. Today, I met with my doctor and we discussed all the basics. As we went through the run down, we began discussing contractions. I explained I was having between three and four good contractions a day but never the magic four within an hour. She thought it best to check my cervix to see if the contractions have been doing their job.
Turns out they are...I am approximately 30% effaced...hmmmmm. This is so weird for me since with both girls I never once showed any early signs of labor. But no dilation.
So now we wait. My c-section is scheduled for 10/05/2012. We will see if I make it that long! I'm guessing I will but one never knows...
Turns out they are...I am approximately 30% effaced...hmmmmm. This is so weird for me since with both girls I never once showed any early signs of labor. But no dilation.
So now we wait. My c-section is scheduled for 10/05/2012. We will see if I make it that long! I'm guessing I will but one never knows...
Back To School
My Monkey is a big ole 1st grader...say what?
I think I'm still a little dazed by the passing of time. Wasn't it just the first day of preschool?
Last year we started the tradition of our front porch pictures. In keeping with that tradition here is my girl and her BF for life...
The girl doesn't really do serious anymore. Oh well, this makes me laugh!
This is what you get after a summer of surf camp...Shaka Brah...yep, that's my girl!
And for posterity's sake, a sweet toothless grin. Those teeth are no where near growing back. She lost them back in kindergarten and still no signs of her front teeth. I think they may have come out a little to early just like the dentist had suspected.
What's up school? This is a prime example of little sis trying to copy big sis and it not working out as it should. Yet that face on Laneydoo is PRICELESS!
Sister love! These girls will be best friends for life. It's one of my #1 goals for raising these two. The may dislike me, be angry at me, want to move away from home but they will always, always have each other. I read over at Joy's Hope about how they have preached over their girls Carson's are best friends, no matter what. Then the realization strikes...why didn't I think of that. Such a simple reiteration of the value you hope to instill.
So what are Pohls? Pohls are best friends no matter what!
I think I'm still a little dazed by the passing of time. Wasn't it just the first day of preschool?
Last year we started the tradition of our front porch pictures. In keeping with that tradition here is my girl and her BF for life...
The girl doesn't really do serious anymore. Oh well, this makes me laugh!
This is what you get after a summer of surf camp...Shaka Brah...yep, that's my girl!
And for posterity's sake, a sweet toothless grin. Those teeth are no where near growing back. She lost them back in kindergarten and still no signs of her front teeth. I think they may have come out a little to early just like the dentist had suspected.
What's up school? This is a prime example of little sis trying to copy big sis and it not working out as it should. Yet that face on Laneydoo is PRICELESS!
Sister love! These girls will be best friends for life. It's one of my #1 goals for raising these two. The may dislike me, be angry at me, want to move away from home but they will always, always have each other. I read over at Joy's Hope about how they have preached over their girls Carson's are best friends, no matter what. Then the realization strikes...why didn't I think of that. Such a simple reiteration of the value you hope to instill.
So what are Pohls? Pohls are best friends no matter what!
Wishing For An Endless Summer
We are gearing up for back to school in this house. And whilst I am fully prepared to return to the daily clothes (check), school supplies (check), complete random chores (check)...I still find myself perplexed that in one day I will be walking my big first grader on campus. My insides are truly screaming:
"No, not yet!!!!! Just a little more time..."
For this year is not just the start of a new school year but a jump start to major life changes. In less than six short weeks we will be welcoming our sweet baby boy to this world. Our little family of four will become a family of five and while I am truly thankful, I still fear the unknown. Mix the unknown of having three little ones, and the rush of crazy days that are back to school, and once again I feel like we are propelling through time with little regard for the special moments. Everything feels rushed in our neck of the woods and I'm finding I no longer like the rush nor the daily grind.
I love the slow lazy days of summer. No time constraints, no obligations, just time to do what we please and to do the things we love. The fruit of summer let's us live passionately and I've found that somewhere in our back and forth, homework laden weekdays, that somehow by mid-year we have lost that passion. Time starts to slip by like sands through a hour glass and when we hit that midway point a dull ache has usually taken root in my heart for the loss of time.
I fear that this year will feel even more rushed with the birth of a new baby and school obligations. I just hope that somehow I can embrace a slower pace and the peace of mind to say NO to the things that zap time from what's truly important. For the days spent passionately are truly the most blessed of days.
"No, not yet!!!!! Just a little more time..."
For this year is not just the start of a new school year but a jump start to major life changes. In less than six short weeks we will be welcoming our sweet baby boy to this world. Our little family of four will become a family of five and while I am truly thankful, I still fear the unknown. Mix the unknown of having three little ones, and the rush of crazy days that are back to school, and once again I feel like we are propelling through time with little regard for the special moments. Everything feels rushed in our neck of the woods and I'm finding I no longer like the rush nor the daily grind.
I love the slow lazy days of summer. No time constraints, no obligations, just time to do what we please and to do the things we love. The fruit of summer let's us live passionately and I've found that somewhere in our back and forth, homework laden weekdays, that somehow by mid-year we have lost that passion. Time starts to slip by like sands through a hour glass and when we hit that midway point a dull ache has usually taken root in my heart for the loss of time.
I fear that this year will feel even more rushed with the birth of a new baby and school obligations. I just hope that somehow I can embrace a slower pace and the peace of mind to say NO to the things that zap time from what's truly important. For the days spent passionately are truly the most blessed of days.
To Salt
I love to cook and bake but both are still an exploration, and for me, trial and error. We covet our family go to favorites and our experiments are often not successful. Yet, I strive to keep learning and trying. It's part of this homemaking business that actually brings me deep satisfaction and joy. Much, much more than say...scrubbing a toilet!
Seasoning is one of those very personal things, but I've found since spices cost so much money, we are often deterred from trying new things. For example, salt. Obviously, most people use table salt and it's is found in most cupboards. For years, I seasoned everything with seasoned salt and although I still love it, we rarely use it anymore. But most people only keep table salt in their arsenal and I completely get it.
One day, I was watching a chef on t.v. For the life of me, I can't remember his name...oh man! His breakdown for salt recommendations were:
{1} Table salt is for baking and seasoning water...that's it. Don't put it in or on your food.
{2} Kosher salt for seasoning precooked foods, especially meats and poultry.
{3} Sea salt is for the salt lovers who must season their food after cooking. I find it especially tasty on corn on the cob!
Although we're not a HUGE salt family, these three simple rules have revolutionized my cooking. For reals! Which means I now stock four salts in my little ole' cupboards...four, wow!
Seasoning is one of those very personal things, but I've found since spices cost so much money, we are often deterred from trying new things. For example, salt. Obviously, most people use table salt and it's is found in most cupboards. For years, I seasoned everything with seasoned salt and although I still love it, we rarely use it anymore. But most people only keep table salt in their arsenal and I completely get it.
One day, I was watching a chef on t.v. For the life of me, I can't remember his name...oh man! His breakdown for salt recommendations were:
{1} Table salt is for baking and seasoning water...that's it. Don't put it in or on your food.
{2} Kosher salt for seasoning precooked foods, especially meats and poultry.
{3} Sea salt is for the salt lovers who must season their food after cooking. I find it especially tasty on corn on the cob!
Although we're not a HUGE salt family, these three simple rules have revolutionized my cooking. For reals! Which means I now stock four salts in my little ole' cupboards...four, wow!
A Moment of Mourning
I spent all of about fifteen minutes with my best friend today during one of the saddest moments of her life. And it got me thinking:
She is one of the most treasured individuals I have in my life. She is a part of my soul. We didn't grow up together and we haven't been friends since kindergarten. We don't have many of those memories that solidify most childhood friendships. In fact, we met as freshmen in high school and were casual friends. Not truly becoming close until our senior year when circumstances for both of us had changed and we were fortunate to find something in each other.
She was with me the night I met the Mister. She was my maid of honor at my wedding and there when both my girls were born. She held my hand in silence when the Monkey was in NICU. I had the honor of planning her wedding and over the past 15 years we've created some pretty great memories.
But today, as I watched her walk down the aisle at her grandmother's funeral, composed like she is a good majority of the time, my heart broke for her. She has a way of handling life's situations with such grace and as I watched her walk up that aisle I was reminded of why she is one of my forever friends. She is that which I am not and somewhere in our years together we have found something that has a deep love, an understanding, a mutual respect, and a dependability that is priceless.
And then she looked up and saw me and her tears began to flow. It felt like forever for her to close that last five feet in the processional to reach me. When she did we hugged and held up the line a little and then she waited for me to grab my things from the pew because we weren't letting go of each other's hands. In that moment, hanging onto one another was way more important than the fact it wasn't my turn to get up or that we may have been slowing things down a bit. She still stood there waiting. And as we walked out of that church with our arms entwined and clasping hands telling one another that we loved each other, I was thankful for that brief moment that I could be there for her.
For this is what our friendship will always be about. As we grow older, we share less of the day to day. In fact, I haven't seen her in person since January. But in the moments that count, we always have each other. And that is so much more important than the day in and day outs that I share with many others. Because regardless of missed play dates, random conversations, and miscellaneous texts, neither time nor distance will change the love that I have for the sister of my soul.
She is one of the most treasured individuals I have in my life. She is a part of my soul. We didn't grow up together and we haven't been friends since kindergarten. We don't have many of those memories that solidify most childhood friendships. In fact, we met as freshmen in high school and were casual friends. Not truly becoming close until our senior year when circumstances for both of us had changed and we were fortunate to find something in each other.
She was with me the night I met the Mister. She was my maid of honor at my wedding and there when both my girls were born. She held my hand in silence when the Monkey was in NICU. I had the honor of planning her wedding and over the past 15 years we've created some pretty great memories.
But today, as I watched her walk down the aisle at her grandmother's funeral, composed like she is a good majority of the time, my heart broke for her. She has a way of handling life's situations with such grace and as I watched her walk up that aisle I was reminded of why she is one of my forever friends. She is that which I am not and somewhere in our years together we have found something that has a deep love, an understanding, a mutual respect, and a dependability that is priceless.
And then she looked up and saw me and her tears began to flow. It felt like forever for her to close that last five feet in the processional to reach me. When she did we hugged and held up the line a little and then she waited for me to grab my things from the pew because we weren't letting go of each other's hands. In that moment, hanging onto one another was way more important than the fact it wasn't my turn to get up or that we may have been slowing things down a bit. She still stood there waiting. And as we walked out of that church with our arms entwined and clasping hands telling one another that we loved each other, I was thankful for that brief moment that I could be there for her.
For this is what our friendship will always be about. As we grow older, we share less of the day to day. In fact, I haven't seen her in person since January. But in the moments that count, we always have each other. And that is so much more important than the day in and day outs that I share with many others. Because regardless of missed play dates, random conversations, and miscellaneous texts, neither time nor distance will change the love that I have for the sister of my soul.
Tiny Dancer
My girl loves to dance. She's constantly moving and shaking, twirling and whirling. She's been dancing since she was three. If you ask her, she'd tell you that dancing is her life in a overly dramatic tone, with full facial effects, whilst jazz walking across the floor.
Her dance recital was at the beginning of July but I came across this photo while editing some images for a summer journal entry she was writing.
Love her! Love this! It puts a smile on my face every time!
Her dance recital was at the beginning of July but I came across this photo while editing some images for a summer journal entry she was writing.
Love her! Love this! It puts a smile on my face every time!
My Style {Family Photos}
Once a year, every year, we have a little photo session with our family photographer to capture a small glimpse of our family and freeze it in time. Usually, I've been brainstorming ideas and planning/researching since the time Angela snaps the last shot of the prior years shoot...pinning photo ideas and contemplating the look and feel that I'd like the photos to portray. But after all the dreaming and the planning, our annual family photos must always fall within a few guidelines:
They may NOT cost us a fortune.
We MUST use what we have in regards to clothing.
Sometimes it gets a little tricky but most of the time it ends up working out perfectly. Here are a few of my tips and tricks for styling our family photo sessions.
{1.} Plan, plan, plan. Think about what you want the photos to say about your family in that moment. For us, this year, we were doing a gender reveal for baby #3 and I knew I wanted to represent the new "blue" coming into our house while still representing all things pink and girly! But this could also be something as simple as a special treasure like a blanket or a little ones favorite t-shirt.
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Via PBKisses Photography |
{2.} Think about any props you may want to include...if that's your thing. Styled photos are such a big thing right now but make sure that any styling is still a representation of your family and your life. For this shoot, I knew I wanted pink and blue balloons, a boy or girl gender reveal box, and blue and pink converse. These items were my starting points for everything else related to the photos.
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Via PBKisses Photography |
{3} Make sure to shop your closet before you buy a single item of new clothing. Lay everything you like out on a bed and mix and match it all up. You'll be amazed at what you can come up with. Remember, clothing should always coordinate but never be matchy-matchy. So, think of it like this...the kids can wear the same color/tone but the days of them being twins probably isn't what you want for the photos. Here's how our clothing broke down, with what we shopped our closest for and what was bought at a good old brick and mortar:
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Via PBKisses Photography |
My starting point was this blue and white striped dress on my Laneydoo with the sweet pink button detail and both the girl's pink converse. Both of which we already had on hand. Next up was finding something the Monkey could wear that coordinated with her sister.
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Via PBKisses Photography |
Lucky for us, she had worn a plain white eyelet dress for Easter this year which would coordinate with everything and we always have a jean jacket on hand (it's a must have wardrobe staple). So I threw that in to add a little blue. Last the girls just needed a little more pink, so I opted for some matching pink bows. I ordered these two from SoSoBella.
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Via PBKisses Photography |
Next up was the Mister and I. I had everything for myself except the pink converse and some jewelry. I find that dressing the Mister always manages to be the most difficult and requires the most out of pocket $$$. He needed navy blue converse and a new shirt. Thankfully, I scored this plaid shirt number for him that incorporated both pink and navy. Double score for us, the pink is very muted and he can wear this shirt to work. Booyah!
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Via PBKisses Photography |
So there you have it, family photos on a budget. Now, in an effort for full disclosure, I did spend extra $$$ on props (i.e. painted box & balloons).
Total Clothing Budget: $123.00
{Today's} Vintage Treasures
Thrifting was on my agenda for the day. A favorite thrift store was having a 50% off sale,which can lead to some wonderful treasures. Here is the loveliness I scored today for a whopping $11.00!
{1} Grey, Orange & yellow afghan for little man's nursery, $4.50
{2} Grey tone on tone striped tie...for a future crafty project, $2.50
{3} Orange and cream crocheted trivet, $1.50
{4} The oldest sweetest paper doilies, still in original packaging, $.75. I really want want to try and date these!
{5} Small gold frame for the girls room, $1.50
2012 Family Photos
Every year we try to take family photos with our favorite photographer Angela of PBKisses Photography. She is truly AMAZING!!!!! She gets my crazy and she's down for shooting almost anything. She's witty, funny, energetic, and the kids love her. It makes for fun family photo sessions, where you'll usually find her rolling in the dirt and shooting us for longer than our allotted time.
This year, when our spring session time rolled around, we knew we wanted to do something special to announce that Baby #3 was indeed a boy. Here are some of my favorite shots from this years session:
The picture on the far left was how we announced to the grandparents that our little bun in the oven was going to be a boy. I love it because the picture doesn't scream...look this is a gender reveal!
And some of my favorite black & whites from the session. And probably the coolest photo of the entire shoot, well, to me at least:
My Monkey doing cartwheels. This is such a representation of my cartwheeling, hand-standing, twirling and whirling girl forever captured in her six year old form.
This year, when our spring session time rolled around, we knew we wanted to do something special to announce that Baby #3 was indeed a boy. Here are some of my favorite shots from this years session:
Balloons were fun for the girls too. All in blue, of course! Since these two girly's will be big sisters to a little boy come October. We had a about two dozen to start with, but when it was all said and done, the girls left empty handed. All those balloons were either lost to the blue skies or popped.
And some of my favorite black & whites from the session. And probably the coolest photo of the entire shoot, well, to me at least:
My Monkey doing cartwheels. This is such a representation of my cartwheeling, hand-standing, twirling and whirling girl forever captured in her six year old form.
My Family
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Photo Credit: PBKisses Photography |
We will travel through this life walking hand in hand. Supporting one another, laughing with one another, crying with one another, and loving one another. In this life and the next. This is my solemn vow to you.
It's extremely quiet in this new space. I can hear the faint chirping of birds, the whistle of the wind, and I think the dust and cobwebs are starting to set in. At this particular moment, it is glorious!
I love that today, this blog has no followers, few posts, and is just a small beautiful space waiting to bloom. You see, I have no direction for this blog, no plans, no other-worldly goals. I have little to no ideals of growing this blog, writing multiple posts, participating in linky parties, or garnering sponsors. With my other blog, the pull to grow and fit in with the cool kids club was always in the back of my mind, even when outwardly I said it wasn't. So this space is like a breath of fresh air, that I will take in and cherish.
Hopefully, it will turn into a place of honesty and beauty. After stalking blogs for so long, I've realized that many blogs are chalk full of pretty idealistic portrayals of life but not necessarily always honesty. I want this space to be a true reflection of self...not always happy go lucky but real life...the good, the not so good, and sometimes the downright ugly. For me, it's the combination of these things that is a reflection of life. This is truth.
And beauty, I want to portray the things that are beautiful to me without limitations. Some days, that may be my children, some days mother earth, and others design and fashion. The point is, this blog is an open road that I plan to travel without any limitations. A blog full of randomness because, once again, life is random and so should my reflection of that life be.
In the meantime, I will sit back, drink a cup of sweet tea, and enjoy the quiet because the chirping birds, the whistle of the wind, the dust, and cobwebs really aren't so bad.
I love that today, this blog has no followers, few posts, and is just a small beautiful space waiting to bloom. You see, I have no direction for this blog, no plans, no other-worldly goals. I have little to no ideals of growing this blog, writing multiple posts, participating in linky parties, or garnering sponsors. With my other blog, the pull to grow and fit in with the cool kids club was always in the back of my mind, even when outwardly I said it wasn't. So this space is like a breath of fresh air, that I will take in and cherish.
Hopefully, it will turn into a place of honesty and beauty. After stalking blogs for so long, I've realized that many blogs are chalk full of pretty idealistic portrayals of life but not necessarily always honesty. I want this space to be a true reflection of self...not always happy go lucky but real life...the good, the not so good, and sometimes the downright ugly. For me, it's the combination of these things that is a reflection of life. This is truth.
And beauty, I want to portray the things that are beautiful to me without limitations. Some days, that may be my children, some days mother earth, and others design and fashion. The point is, this blog is an open road that I plan to travel without any limitations. A blog full of randomness because, once again, life is random and so should my reflection of that life be.
In the meantime, I will sit back, drink a cup of sweet tea, and enjoy the quiet because the chirping birds, the whistle of the wind, the dust, and cobwebs really aren't so bad.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
If I do say, I think thistle is quite beautiful. Especially the blue.
Via Bits and Bobs Blog |
Lovely, just lovely!
What's In A Name
It just came to me. Out of nowhere.
Thistle & Arrow.
Huh? What did it mean?
Why another name?
So I told the Mister, "I like the name Thistle & Arrow."
His response, "For what?"
I didn't know.
"If I ever start a clothing line, maybe that would be the name."
"A clothing line? You've never wanted to do that."
"I know."
"Well, thistle is a weed and an arrow? I don't get it. It doesn't mean anything.", he stated.
Me either. I couldn't comprehend my infatuation with the name, but it stuck with me. The more I repeated it, the more I liked it. So a few days later, I checked to see if it was available on blogger. It was. I quickly started a new blog.
I still don't know. I was pulling away from my old blog, why start a new one? None of it makes sense to me but the name just kept repeating in my mind.
Obnoxiously persistent.
So here we are again:
Thistle & Arrow
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