Two Months Old

I can't believe Mr. T is two months old. Oh time, you are such a thief. Stop, please just stop making my babies get bigger.

I love this picture of my little guy. I think he means some serious business. Maybe he was over mama taking pictures of him. Maybe he was just going number two. Either way, I think his face is priceless!

At two months old you've:

* Doubled your weight. When you came home from the hospital you were 5lbs. 1oz. You now weigh in at a healthy 9lbs. 12oz.

* Are 20 inches long. An inch a month...not bad!

* Have grown out of all your preemie clothes, are working on your newborn, and some of your 0-3 month clothes are actually starting to fit.

* Nurse like a champ!

* Are a mama's boy through and through but are slowly warming up to your daddy.

* Have the most sensitive bum of all our littles. You're making cloth diapering quite difficult!

* Rarely take a formula bottle as a supplement anymore.

* Could take or leave a pacifier.

* Are having longer periods of contentment and no longer require mama's arms snuggling you 24/7. Insert a really big sigh. This is bittersweet.

* Finally have some meat on your bones and rolls on your legs. They're little rolls but they're so cute!

* Sleep from 10pm to 3am almost every night. I love you oh so much for this!

* And smile, you smile so much now. It just melts my heart!

* Oh, and when your really mad, you've been known to roll over from your back to your belly. It's happened once or twice now. You my love, are a strong little mister!


  1. Baby T,
    You are so cute and I can't wait until you and G are running around together! Let's play soon so I can hold you!!
