Wishing For An Endless Summer

We are gearing up for back to school in this house. And whilst I am fully prepared to return to the daily grind...school clothes (check), school supplies (check), complete random chores (check)...I still find myself perplexed that in one day I will be walking my big first grader on campus. My insides are truly screaming:

"No, not yet!!!!! Just a little more time..."

For this year is not just the start of a new school year but a jump start to major life changes. In less than six short weeks we will be welcoming our sweet baby boy to this world. Our little family of four will become a family of five and while I am truly thankful, I still fear the unknown. Mix the unknown of having three little ones, and the rush of crazy days that are back to school, and once again I feel like we are propelling through time with little regard for the special moments. Everything feels rushed in our neck of the woods and I'm finding I no longer like the rush nor the daily grind.

I love the slow lazy days of summer. No time constraints, no obligations, just time to do what we please and to do the things we love. The fruit of summer let's us live passionately and I've found that somewhere in our back and forth, homework laden weekdays, that somehow by mid-year we have lost that passion. Time starts to slip by like sands through a hour glass and when we hit that midway point a dull ache has usually taken root in my heart for the loss of time.

I fear that this year will feel even more rushed with the birth of a new baby and school obligations. I just hope that somehow I can embrace a slower pace and the peace of mind to say NO to the things that zap time from what's truly important. For the days spent passionately are truly the most blessed of days.

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