A New Years Resolution: Of Sorts

I vowed to no longer blog during the day. There is simply no longer any time to blog. If I blog during the day time or evening time hours, it's taking time away from my love, from my kids, from our home.

This vow has posed quite a problem of sorts. If I'm not blogging in the day time and I'm not blogging in the evening, when will I blog? When will I write, edit photos, express myself in the way only this blog allows?

Try as I might, my mind couldn't seem to come up with a solution to this problem. Then it dawned on me...get up earlier. Set your alarm, drag yourself out of bed, make a cup of coffee, and write while the house is quiet and my time is my own. And yet, this solution still poses some problems. Mostly, in that, I am absolutely and emphatically not a morning person.

So we'll see how long this lasts, this blogging in the morning!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck...you know with the whole getting up early business! ;)
