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The adrenaline rush.

The unknown.

The approach.

The execution.


The other side.

Joy or Sadness?

Success or Failure?

Keeping My Fingers Crossed

Someone is turning seven in just a few short days. I can't believe it. Time has just flown by! And all I can seem to hope for, for my sweet girl this year, is that she actually gets to celebrate her day the way she intended. 

She's been hit hard with the flu bug and has been running a crazy fever for the last four days. So far, she hasn't been to school this week and her big Knott's Berry Farm day is fast approaching. 

So I'm keeping my fingers crossed that she kicks this stinkin' bug, that the rest of us stay symptom free, and that my sweet sensitive girl's birthday isn't ruined by the flu bug.

Fingers crossed!

The Things They Say {Thursday}

Me: "What does Thatcher want to be when he grows up? A doctor, a lawyer, a baseball player?"

Maddi: "Mom, I think he's going to be a doctor and have lots of girlfriends because he's so handsome!"

Me: "Really Monkey? You think? What do you want to be when you grow up?"

Maddi: "I just want to be a stay at home mom with three babies."

On days when I think I am failing as a mama, I will try to remember this conversation. My daughter just wants to be a stay at home mama with three babies. It's her hearts desire and a choice that isn't driven by education, money, or the desire for things. It is pure and honest. I now know that when I feel like I am failing, on the worst of days, and the most horrible of moments, I am still doing something right because all my little girl wants to be is a mama.

Simply Live {#2}: My Hoarder Tendencies

I wouldn't say I'm a hoarder. Not in the true sense of the word. With that said, I have A LOT of stuff. I think it stems from time...we buy or are gifted things, life gets busy, and somehow I never purge. So I pile, and I pile, and I pile. It's bad!

Over this past summer, when preparing for our little guy, we cleaned and purged all summer long. Then we stopped. It's time again...the stuff is making me crazy!

I had this insane idea that if I documented it here, maybe it will keep me more focused?!?! We shall see! But it's time to eliminate the stuff and I plan to be ruthless!

Life Lately {via Instagram}

I love Instagram!

Love isn't even a strong enough word. I'm obsessed with Instagram!

It allows me to document so much of our life that I normally wouldn't if I had to carry around my big old camera. The only down fall is now I find myself not documenting our life on a real camera. Oooppsss!!!!!!

And, even though I know Instagram is nothing new in "Blogland", I thought it would be fun to recap my favorite snaps every once and a while. Oh, and I may or may not, be sharing a little Instagram project I did around these neck of the woods!

So life lately via my Insta feed:

This guy is getting so big. We finally finished sorting through his preemie clothes. I just had to snap this pic to remember he really was that little!

Laneydoo has taken to Instagram as well! She shoots and picks a "color" for her photos at least two times a week. This snap of her brother is one of my recent faves!

This girl is becoming such a little lady. I look at her and think, wow, we made that...blessed! Then she'll do something that drives me completely insane and I think...what were we thinking? Mama-hood, right?

Over the weekend we stayed the night in Huntington Beach. When we were walking to dinner, I realized the spot we sat and talked on our first date was right up the street. I fondly refer to it as the first date fountain. We drank coffee and talked for hours that night. Fifteen years later, here we are with our babies. If you told me then that in fifteen years I'd be sitting in the same spot with a hubby and three babies, I would have kindly told you what you were full of. I guess sometimes life has different, better plans for us!

The mister ran in the HB half marathon this weekend. That's him waving with the white hat and blue shirt. The tall dude waving is his cousin and Mr. T's Nino. At first I thought it was silly for The Mister to do a half. He's already done the full distance with his tri's but now I get it. It's about training and time. He did good:  01:50:40 something. He finished and said he wants to get faster. Translation: here we go again! Oh, and, I really don't understand why people pay so much money to inflict pain on themselves. I'm working on figuring this out!

The race was on Super Bowl Sunday. Needless to say, we didn't attend any parties. We were all pretty wiped out so this is how we watched the game.

Last, I opened this today, realized it's February and that it's about to get crazy in this hood! No really...crazy, crazy, crazy town. You know, more than usual! We officially slow down in June...say what?

Oh, and P.S., you can find me on Instagram @mjpohl1999.

{3} Months

My sweet, sweet baby boy...I can not believe you're three months old (almost four). I know I'm a little late on this post but thought it important for posterity's sake.

At three months old you:

* Sleep mostly through the night. Usually you fall asleep about 8 and wake up at 4. It is AWESOME!

* Are now cloth diapered full time...finally!

* Roll from your belly to your back intentionally.

* Have finally found your hands and they're always in your mouth.

* Don't really care for a pacifier.

* Smile when you nurse.

* Aren't really a fan of baby wearing but we're working on it. You'd rather be carried in someones arms.

* Sleep in your crib like a big boy.

* Are crazy addicted to white noise.

* Are cooing all the time. Sometimes you coo, laugh, and smile at the same time and in those moments I'm reminded that this is what life is all about.

* Spit up all the time just like Daddy did. Which means you and I always smell like baby barf. Most of the time I can handle it but on your worst days, it's no longer a sweet smell...we just smell funky!

* Have the biggest smiles for people but not so much for cameras.

* Have sisters that make you really really happy, then usually scare you with their crazy!

The Things They Say {Thursday}

This Girl:

"Mom, I never want to go to Africa because there are hyenas there. Did you know they can like snap your bone in half?"

Really Monkey, really? I guess we're never going to Africa. You know, just in case we should run into bone snapping hyenas.

In other news, this guy:

Has decided to start rolling over from his belly to his back. We suspected he was doing it last month but had never seen him actually do it. We have now witnessed it three times. It's all just too fast if you ask me but he seems rather proud of himself.

A New Years Resolution: Of Sorts

I vowed to no longer blog during the day. There is simply no longer any time to blog. If I blog during the day time or evening time hours, it's taking time away from my love, from my kids, from our home.

This vow has posed quite a problem of sorts. If I'm not blogging in the day time and I'm not blogging in the evening, when will I blog? When will I write, edit photos, express myself in the way only this blog allows?

Try as I might, my mind couldn't seem to come up with a solution to this problem. Then it dawned on me...get up earlier. Set your alarm, drag yourself out of bed, make a cup of coffee, and write while the house is quiet and my time is my own. And yet, this solution still poses some problems. Mostly, in that, I am absolutely and emphatically not a morning person.

So we'll see how long this lasts, this blogging in the morning!

2013: Seeker of Contentment

Hello lovely 2013!

I have so many things in store for you this year. Big dreams, lofty aspirations and of course goals, goals, goals. And while I would love to say that all of these, resolutions per se, are of the utmost importance for 2013, I know this would be a lie. For me 2013 will be focused on this season of our life. I want to spend my precious days searching for contentment in all things, seeking joy, and above all finding the calm and quiet amongst the crazy.

I want the satisfaction of knowing that while life is not always sunshine and rainbows we are spending our days seeking the best from this life. The moments that are the most resounding, and above all, settling down into being a family of five.

With that, I've already prepared myself to say "No" a lot. In the past few years, I've realized saying "Yes" is a time suck...from my family, from quiet, from contentment, from joy. The more I say yes, the less quality time I spend on the things that are truly important. So saying "No" will be a huge part of 2013.

So hello 2013, it's a pleasure to meet you. I hope that you and I enjoy this time we've been given together!